How about a cozy evening in the mountains enjoying a Fondue?
Ending with a torchlight decent through the snow covered Gerschni forest.
Cheesefondue à discrétion CHF 25.00
Raclette à discrétion with 4 different Cheeses CHF 26.00
Meatfondue Chinoise CHF 40.00
Fondue Bourguignonne (Beefcubes cooked in hot oil) CHF 41.50
Torchlights are available for CHF 3.-
We look forward to your reservation.
Day off & company vacations
We now have our day off on Wednesdays in spring, summer and fall.
Company vacations 2025:
April 28 to May 9 / October 20 to October 26 / November 10 to December 5